LOISE / 3 Years

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Hi, my name is LOISE! I am from the Philippines, and English is my second language. I am passionate about teaching English, because it is a useful skill in almost all parts of the world. I have a TESOL certification and a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. I have mor...

SHIRANI / 5 Years

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Hi, I am Shirani. Teaching has been my passion and my students enjoy their class very much. I have over 5 years experience teaching kids between the ages of 6-14 years. I have travelled to more than 10 countries and recognize the value of knowing English. I like to share my k...

ACCAD / 4 Years

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Hello! Do you need help in learning English? Worry no more because I am here to help you, I am teacher Accad and I have a Bachelor's degree in Secondary Education, Major in English. I have been teaching English online for more than 2 years now and I teach both kids and adults age...

ARLENE / 8 Years

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Hi, I am teacher Arlene but you can just call me teacher Len and I am from the Philippines. I have 8 years of experience teaching English in Thailand. I can teach English grammar, English for kids and adults, English for communication as well as TOEIC (speaking, reading, writing,...

ELMA / 4 Years

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Albert Einstein once said, "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." Do you wish to improve your skills in English? You are on the right track. I am Elma. I am a licensed professional teacher. I am an English speaker from the Philippines. As a gradua...

GIAN / 11 Years

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Good day to you! I am Teacher Gian. I am a person who enjoys a bunch of things. I like music, sports and food. I also enjoy talking to people. I like sharing stories with them and listening to what they say. This is the reason why I enjoy teaching a lot. I get to know different p...

DEL / 7 Years

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Hey there everyone! I am Teacher Del, I am your productive and fun teacher that will help you boost your confidence in the English Language. I've been teaching English for five years, providing assistance to students who want to learn how to speak English and prepare for their ex...

EDWARD / 18 Years

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Hi my name is teacher Edward. I have been a teacher for 10 years and I have been teaching online for 5 years. I love to sing and have fun in my classes, I have a reward system for all my students to have fun like Elsa and Ironman, also my friends help me interact with my students...

AMY / 27 Years

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Hello, my name is Teacher Amy teaching is my passion. I took up my course simply because I wanted to become one of the instruments in molding and developing our future leaders. With the years I have spent in my field, I am capable enough to effectively and efficiently handle stud...

JAYEN / 12 Years

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Có (3) lượt đánh giá
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I became a teacher for a very simple reason - I want to make a difference. While there are many fields in which I could accomplish this goal, I feel that education is the one in which I can have the greatest impact. Teaching requires patience, understanding, and compassion - all ...

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